Why are we different?

  1. Full messages delivered to live answers and answering machines
  2. We do not work with Democrats
  3. No foreign based equipment, all of our equipment and services are based right here in the United States
  4. We place all of the calls we promise to place, if you give us the number, we will attempt to dial it.  We do not discard numbers to gain additional revenue.
  5. The newest technology, not designed and used in the 1990s.
  6. We fully control and monitor the system, we are not re-sellers.
  7. Our technology hubs are housed in multiple locations around the United States to ensure that we get a crisp connection throughout the nation.
  8. We do not share our technology with hundreds of others, our system will not become jammed, or "timed out", with too many calls.

We make the process very easy on you:

  • After pre-payment, we can place your calls immediately or have them scheduled.
  • We will provide you with a call in number to record your outbound message, this special number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • We encourage you to place calls 30 seconds or less in legnth to have the best response, however we can place calls of any legnth up to 2 minutes
  • We can accept lists in multiple formats including Excel and comma-delimited text, csv.
  • If you need assistance aquiring a voter contact list, we can assist with the selection and purchase of a list as well.
  • Every call recorded is checked by a live person for clarity and tested prior to delivery.


Pricing ranges from under 2 cents per dial to 7 cents per dial depending on the overall quantity of the calls.   Generally the larger the volume, the lower the price.